Health Benefits

High Quality Plans on the Best Networks

Don’t let unexpected health costs hurt you or your business. Choose one of our affordable and reliable Health Benefit plans priced at competitive rates.

The Best Plans for You and Your Family

Members gain access to quality Healthcare coverage at affordable rates. We provide our members 9 different health plans to choose from with an option built for everyone. All of our plans are within Anthem’s health network. Sign up now to start saving!

Better Than "Traditional" Plans

GWU health benefits are more affordable and comprehensive compared to benefits found in the traditional marketplace. By bringing gig workers and small businesses together, we are able to leverage group pricing and create savings for our members.

Our health plans provide financial protection against unexpected medical expenses and increases access to quality healthcare.

MEC Plan

MEC (minimum essential coverage) health benefit plans feature the lowest monthly payments and the least comprehensive coverage. This plan is best suited for individuals or families who have minimal doctor visits and only need coverage for medical emergencies.

Monthly Payment




Advantage Plan

Advantage health benefit plans are low monthly payments with higher deductibles. This plan is best suited for individuals or couples who have few doctor visits and only need coverage for medical emergencies.

Monthly Payment




Bronze Plan

Bronze health benefit plans have moderate monthly payments and average deductibles. This plan is best suited for individuals or couples who have few doctor visits and only need coverage for medical emergencies.

Monthly Payment




Silver Plan

Silver health benefit plans have higher monthly payments, but lower deductibles. These plans are best suited for individuals and smaller families with average healthcare needs.

Monthly Payment




Elite Plan

Elite health benefit plans have the highest monthly payments, but the lowest deductibles compared to our other plans. This plan is best suited for individuals or families with regular, ongoing healthcare needs. Elite plans cover most routine healthcare costs.

Monthly Payment




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